A lavish bouquet of classic red roses, the perennial symbol of love and romance, adorns this year’s Valentine’s Tieks. One limited-edition topper ships with each order through February 14, while supplies last.* *Gift cards and exchanges excluded
A lavish bouquet of classic red roses, the perennial symbol of love and romance, adorns this year’s Valentine’s Tieks. One limited-edition topper ships with each order through February 14, while supplies last.* *Gift cards and exchanges excluded
A lavish bouquet of red roses wreaths every pair of Valentine’s Tieks. Crafted with lush fabric petals arranged in intricate, iconic rosettes, each rosy posy towers atop our signature Tiek Blue box, adorning Valentine’s gifts with timeless elegance and classic romance.
Stylish enough for Galentine’s brunch and comfortable enough for romantic walks in the park, Tieks are the go-to shoe for any occasion. The back of each pair is cushioned rather than elasticized to ensure they are never too tight on the heel, and with over 65 styles to choose from, you’re sure to find the perfect pair for your valentine, galentine, or yourself!
There are many ways to give the perfect Valentine's Day gift—pick a pair or let them choose with traditional gift cards, e‑gift cards, or e-gift pairs delivered with the click of a button. All Tieks come beautifully packaged in our signature Tiek Blue box and topped with an embellished Tieks flower - no wrapping necessary!
Did you know you can exchange or return unworn Tieks at any time? We even offer free shipping both ways in the U.S.! If you’re looking to exchange, we’ll include a return label with your new pair so you can do a side-by-side comparison and send back the pair you decide not to keep.
A lavish bouquet of red roses wreaths every pair of Valentine’s Tieks. Crafted with lush fabric petals arranged in intricate, iconic rosettes, each rosy posy towers atop our signature Tiek Blue box, adorning Valentine’s gifts with timeless elegance and classic romance.
Stylish enough for Galentine’s brunch and comfortable enough for romantic walks in the park, Tieks are the go-to shoe for any occasion. The back of each pair is cushioned rather than elasticized to ensure they are never too tight on the heel, and with over 65 styles to choose from, you’re sure to find the perfect pair for your valentine, galentine, or yourself!
There are many ways to give the perfect Valentine's Day gift—pick a pair or let them choose with traditional gift cards, e‑gift cards, or e-gift pairs delivered with the click of a button. All Tieks come beautifully packaged in our signature Tiek Blue box and topped with an embellished Tieks flower - no wrapping necessary!
Did you know you can exchange or return unworn Tieks at any time? We even offer free shipping both ways in the U.S.! If you’re looking to exchange, we’ll include a return label with your new pair so you can do a side-by-side comparison and send back the pair you decide not to keep.
A lavish bouquet of red roses wreaths every pair of Valentine’s Tieks. Crafted with lush fabric petals arranged in intricate, iconic rosettes, each rosy posy towers atop our signature Tiek Blue box, adorning Valentine’s gifts with timeless elegance and classic romance.
Stylish enough for Galentine’s brunch and comfortable enough for romantic walks in the park, Tieks are the go-to shoe for any occasion. The back of each pair is cushioned rather than elasticized to ensure they are never too tight on the heel, and with over 65 styles to choose from, you’re sure to find the perfect pair for your valentine, galentine, or yourself!
There are many ways to give the perfect Valentine's Day gift—pick a pair or let them choose with traditional gift cards, e‑gift cards, or e-gift pairs delivered with the click of a button. All Tieks come beautifully packaged in our signature Tiek Blue box and topped with an embellished Tieks flower - no wrapping necessary!
Did you know you can exchange or return unworn Tieks at any time? We even offer free shipping both ways in the U.S.! If you’re looking to exchange, we’ll include a return label with your new pair so you can do a side-by-side comparison and send back the pair you decide not to keep.
Find shoe love from our Valentine’s Day favorites.